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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Astrology & Panic Attacks/Anxiety Part Two

A few days ago I wrote on some of the basics of panic attacks on both blogs. A few people have commented on my blogs telling me how they also have problems and listed the placements that they think are important. Yes, Virgo or Gemini rising can also indicate a restless, nervous energy, but there also needs to be other factors as well. We can't go by that alone,but the people  had other things going on with their Moon as well. Uranus square Moon can be very much linked to bad anxiety.

Personally, I have Moon trine Uranus. I think having Moon-Uranus aspects are pretty good and at least I have the trine,but I am a restless person. As a child and teen, I would pace around my house with racing thoughts. I could do it all day and my family just loved to make fun of me. My sister and mother have Moon-Uranus aspects; my mom with the trine and my sister with the sextile. The sextile is similar to the trine, but it isn't as dymanic or strong, and I don't think it would produce anxiety problems, unless there's something else going on.

I was diagnosed with anxiety at 16. I was not having panic attacks, but I was still in that stage where I paced around my house and thought. It was almost really bad, but it did keep me from weight gain! ( I ate a lot of fast food at that point. ) I didn't have my first panic attack until I was a senior in high school, but over the years the panic attacks and anxiety have gotten worse each year. This past Spring, they were the worst they had ever been. I would get them multiple times per day and I would have many bad symptoms like: chest pain, fast heart beat, muscle numbness in my legs, facial and neck numbness, a lump in my throat, and shortness of breath. Those are the symptoms I usually get and when I have the attack I think I am dying.

I had a spur of panic attacks earlier in the Fall, but they lasted maybe a month and I had them a few times a week. Whenever I would get an attack, I would get so light headed I felt the ground was going to collapse on me. This past summer I had some problems and when I would go outside in the heat it would get worse. I was always afraid I would pass out in the heat ( I never did pass out ). I never had such bad heat intolerance.

But yeah I haven't even been to a therapist yet, but I do need to. Especially before the summer, since I now have an irrational fear of the summer heat.

Here are some of my placements;
Leo moon in the 6th house
Moon/6H trine Uranus/10H
Moon/6H square Pluto/8H
Pluto in the 8H
Virgo Lilith ( Lilith is said to be the dark side of the moon, but I don't know how much this matters. It might... idk )
Virgo South Node 6th house ( South Node represents our old tendencies, old talents, what it's easy to fall back on. Virgo is associated with anxiety and restlessness. With a Pisces NN in the 12H, maybe I need to learn how to chill the fuck out? I don't know how to chill out! )
Mars is my dominant planet and it's in the 1st house. Mercury and Jupiter are tied,and are up there when ranked by

With Mars as my dominant, I am a person who sometimes gets more angry when I am anxiety ridden. Sometimes my road rage gets worse. I try to get better with that. Haha.

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