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Friday, December 21, 2012

Little Kids: Scorpio Moon

Disclaimer: Read others ( Little Kidz Moon series ) A Scorpio Moon child is often quiet and unassuming, but their mind is far from quiet. It is also possible that you may feel they see right through you. If you were a Scorpio moon child, then you may have known all the secrets of others, and have known when adults were lying to you.

A Scorpio Moon child knows when you are lying to them, and you may feel they see right through you- all your flaws and what not. You may or may not like this, depending on your personality.

Scorpio moon children can get emotional at times, or completely hold in all their emotions and let it explode in an extreme and inappropriate way. There may be temper tantrums, especially when they do not get their own way.

It is likely they are shy with new people, and are slow to open up. But when they do open up, it means they trust you and you best not tell others their secrets.

There is a penetrating insight on the world and on people. These children will be blunt with the truth, as they can see deeply, and have a keen understanding of humankind.

They are great friends. They are loyal and true, but if they sense a fake friend, they may break off all ties, or completely stop talking to the friend. Scorpio moon children and adults hate fake people.

On the downside, there may be a jealousy streak. The jealousy may depend on house, where the moon is at. A 2nd house Scorpio moon may be greedy and get jealous over sibling or friend’s possessions, and Christmas is their favorite holiday. A 7H Scorpio moon may be jealous over relationships and friendships, and people. Jealousy may be expected of spoiled children and should be outgrown.

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