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Monday, July 11, 2011


Hey, babes.

I haven’t written in about a month due to not knowing what to write about, and general busyness of everyday life from friends, boyfriend, and work. Pretty soon I will be back in school too.

Today I am going to write about affects of the planets when they are conjuct the Asc. Lets RECAP here: When a planet is conjunct the Asc it is 8 degrees or less. The closer the orb, the more intense the conjunction is. Nonetheless, a 7 degree conjunction is still a conjunction.

Also, keep in mind that if you have more than one conjunction, my descriptions will be a bit modified too. Your rising sign and planets in the first house will also modify my descriptions.

Astrology isn’t all cookie cut. It’s quite complex, and you need to put the two together.

Sun conj Asc: The ego and mannerisms/outside self are infused together. Put it this way; you’re ( mostly ) “what you see is what you get.” You’re the type of person who knows you you are, what you’re good at and what you’re not good at, and you know what you deserve. Basically, you know who you are on the inside and outside. This brings you confidence. People like you because of this confidence. People like you in general.

This does not automatically make you outgoing or sunshiney. This may be true if you have a Leo sun and asc, but if you have a Pisces sun and asc, or Cancer sun and asc, this will be different. However, whether you’re a loner or bubbly person, you know who you are and what you’re all about. If you’re a Pisces or Cancer for example, you’re not a doormat. You’re able to stand your ground when there are obstacles. You do not fall into others wishes easily because you know who you are and what you stand for.

In some people, this placement can make them appear arrogant. In others, they are just confident and secure. Overall, I’d rate it as a good placement, since the ego and outward personality are aligned.

A secure person, unless something is seriously wrong elsewhere in the chart.

MOON CONJUNCT THE ASC: You might find that your moon sign may be very prominent in your personality. That is because it’s conjunct your rising sign, and may very well be in the same sign.

Put it this way; you’re an emotional person. We’re all emotional, but you SHOW it. You live your life via your emotions. You wear a different colored mask everyday, or every few hours depending on how moody you are, revealing us your emotion. In fact, you live your life in color. People can generally tell when you’re sad or happy, or any other emotion. It is hard for you to hide your emotions, even if you TRY to hide them!

Depending on the sign of your Moon will show how this comes off. Obviously an Gemini moon person is going to be a little different than a Cancer moon person. The Gemini moon person might not be quite as showy in their display of emotion, but may happily discuss the emotional nature with other people. They may talk about their emotions, but aren’t showy in their display. A Cancer moon person may be moody at times, and you can tell when they are down in the dumps easily. On the other side, a Leo moon person will be quite colorful indeed, showing excitement and drama wherever they go. Aries moon will more than likely get angry quite often. Moon in Aquarius may show in their personality an analysis of their own emotions.

Children may be attracted to you, whether you like it or not. They may assume you’re nurturing and kind, even if you do not personally believe you are nurturing. Women may feel comfortable with you. This can be good if you’re a man.

Mercury conjunct the Asc: Communication comes easily to you, whether you’re a Scorpio rising or a Libra rising. Your communication/learning style is infused with your outward personality/mannerisms. Therefore, you make it in your personality to be learned, well informed, logical, and analytical. People think and know you are an intelligent, informed person.

Emotions may be fuzzy to you. When you’re dealing with the outside world or personal acquaintances, or people you know but not too well, you prefer to keep a distance, analyzing them. Even if you’re a very sensitive and emotional person, you feel this is the best way to approach the world. You can turn separate emotions and logic from one another.

Generally speaking, you might have been a “teachers pet” when you were younger. You saw the importance of school and learning, and may have been anal in early childhood with school work. Depending on sign will show your academic subjects you were excellent at, or cared most for.

Short trips and journeys are fun to you. You are restless and do not like to sit still, especially if you have a Sag Mercury and rising, or even a Pisces Mercury and rising. You like to constantly be thinking or doing things. Your mind ever shuts up. Depending on the sign, you may be diplomatic or overtly blunt.

VENUS CONJ THE ASC: People associate this placement with physical beauty. Yes, you can be physically beautiful, but this also can manifest in a way that you have a pleasing and beautiful outward personality. Generally speaking, this placement is probably better off in women than men due to society. Cooperation, tact, good grace, style, elegance, etc are usually associated with women than men. Men with this placement are not “girlie men” in most cases, but they do have pleasing personalities. These are not men who get into fights, or act in craziness. They might also attract lots of women.

Most oftenly, in both sexes LOL, this manifests in having a “pleasing personality” like how I explained before. Some people with this placement are outgoing, sociable and are socially smart. They know how to dress and present themselves. They are usually likable, but sometimes seen as superficial or fake. ( Unless there are other factors in the chart, or if Uranus is making aspect to the Asc too )

Romantic personalities. Wanting romance. Flirty.

Mars conjunct the Asc: This aspect can make a Pisces rising seem less vulnerable. Again, like the Venus one, this placement ( according to society, NOT ME ) is better off in men than women. Only because Mars traits are associated with men, and Mars traits in women are sometimes looked down upon. However, women with Mars traits are generally more accepted ( and wanted ) than men with some Venus traits. That is a sad and unfortunate truth about AmURican society.

These people will find that their Mars sign is prominent in their charts. They get angry and frustrated easily, and might have bouts of road rage or any other stupid stuff. In Aries, they may get a speeding ticket. In Pisces, they may get pissed and turn to weed.

Assertiveness or aggressiveness ( depending on Mars sign and aspects ) is in their personalities. A Pisces rising, like I said before, might be less vulnerable than without the Mars conjunction. However, it adds assertiveness especially if Mars is in Aries or Aquarius. A Mars-Asc conjunction in Aries or Leo has potential for being aggressive, but not always.

These people always seem like they are in a rush. They are impatient, sometimes rude ( but don’t always mean to be ), and like to have their way. These are people who may get pissed easily, but also get over it easily. Grudges are usually not held. You usually know their motives, as they are straightforward individuals.

Can indicate a likelihood of sports or fitness activities.

JUPITER CONJ THE ASC: Nahhh this doesn’t automatically make you fat. Some people with this placement may overeat and overdrink, thus getting fat. However, anyone needs to watch out for that, not just people with this placement.

However, Jupiter does represent expansion. So expanding yourself might be a problem. This can come in the form of food or drink, but also in the form of partying or shopping. Overextending yourself can be a problem, especially if you get yourself into debt.

Expanding onself is not always bad when done in moderation. This is the person who is all about trying new ethnic and novel foods. They get bored easily, so they constantly need stimulation. These are the people who like to have a good time. They like good food and good music. They are friendly and jubilant. They like to laugh. They like to make people laugh. They like to smile and see other people smile.

In some people, this can come off as arrogance. Especially when it comes to lifestyle, intellect or religious ( or lack thereof ) views.

Travel is an interest. Need to be moving a lot.

Saturn conj Asc: Does not make you ugly. Get that out of your head now.

Saturn is inhibiting and restrictive. Therefore, these are reserved people. They are not the life of the party. They will go to a party, but aren’t the one dancing on the pool table or running around naked. These people are usually liked by bosses and other authority figures, because they seem so responsible and level headed. These are also not people to explode in any negative emotion. They have good self discipline.

Possibly of social anxiety, but more than likely the person is just a loner or introvert. These people may not always care what they wear, just preferring a tshirt or jeans, OR they look professional and polished. Style may be elegant, black-white, and considered “boring” by more outrageous people. Elegance to some of these people.

Some people, esp women, may be self conscious about how they look. This can create extremes in how they eat, or consume drinks/food. Saturn is very socially conscious, and these women know what they look like and what they aspire to look like. They are perfectionists.

Independent and self reliant.

Uranus conj the Asc: There is something very distinct about how these people look or come off. It may be their hair, clothes, or how they present themselves. They can be either cold/introverted/weird, or outgoing/crazy/weird. Weird may have a bad connotation. Perhaps I should say quirky instead?

These people may seem abrupt and others may not understand their ways. But their ways are highly rationalized, much like the Aquarius rising. Anything weird they do is rationalized. There is a reason for their madness. Madness is thought and pondered over.

They seem friendly but in a cool way. Some people with this placement may seem cold and bizarre, but others can be very friendly. Never overly friendly, but a happy distance friendly.

People with this placement are fiercely independent. When they were little, they probably resented being told what to do. When they were learning to be potty trained, they probably wanted to do it themselves first. They resent anyone taking away their freedom.

Neptune conj the Asc: This may be similar to Pisces rising, but not exactly the same. Neptune itself is associated with deception, illusions, yet spirituality and creativity.

These are the people who are not always what you see is what you get.Some people with this placement are deceptive, showing people what they want to show or what they want to see. They show their true colors once you get to know them. However, not all of them are deceptive. Sometimes they just come off as nicer than what they really are, or weaker than what they really are. Some people just come off as innocent. That is an illusion and they may/may not realize this.

These people come off as nice or kind. Sometimes it is genuine and sometimes it is not.

Creative. Sensitive. Musical. Artsy. Absent minded. All words to describe this placement.

This placement may make someone seem unreliable. Perhaps people with this placement might be late to engagements at time because they loose track of time quite a bit. They may not purposely be unreliable, but don’t always realize what they do.

This placement is also associated with people who have stalkers, esp in females. It can make them appear very feminine, very sexy, very vulnerable, very emotional etc and this can be appealing to weird men who want to harm them. This does not mean you’re going to get raped, but perhaps you had weirdos in your life that you’d rather not be there.

I suggest martial arts.

Pluto conj the Asc: These people come off as intense. That is the best way to put it. They may not always appear nice at first, but intimidating and a “dont mess with me” look on their face. You might feel like they can see right through you.

There might be something mysterious about these people. They are unlikely outgoing, but rather a loner or introverted type. In other ways, this can manifest n an outgoing type of person who has a lot of power and prestige. Some celebs with this placement have people who are downright obsessed with them and what they do.

There is a sexy aspect to this placement. These people might come off as sexy without even trying to, or trying. They might get suggestions they do not really need or want.

Some people with this placement might have power oozing all over them. They have influence, even if they are a but a child. It is easy for them to get their way and what they want. They are determined and forceful.

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