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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jupiter aspects

JUPITER is the planet of expansion, higher education, philosophy, religion, the higher mind, fortune, fun, happiness, food and drink, parties, amusements, games, ideals, laws, publication and tolerance. It is also associated with foreign cultures and overseas travel.

Jupiter-Saturn aspects: Many astrologers see this as "karmic"; Jupiter is all about moving forward, progressing, having high ideals, and being optimistic. On the other hand, there's Saturn which is all about hard work, discipline, restrictions and obstacles. As you can see, this can be a challenging aspect, but depending on WHICH aspect you have, this can be rewarding as well.

The trines and sextiles are harmonious, indicating that the individual works hard and plays hard. There is generally no conflict involved. It is natural to work hard as the person is generally optimistic and inspired. There are road blocks in everyone's life and these people just see these as new forks in the road to grow and expand.

The conjunction can manifest in the way as above, but it is more intense. And the person will work and play harder with more intensity. The Jupiter-Saturn aspect is more profound and important in their lives.

The harsher aspects are the ones that are more challenging to deal with, but is hardly the end of the world. Harsh aspects are the opposition, square and quincunx. The opposition in particular may indicate someone who swings back and forth between play time and work time, rarely accomplishing anything constructive. The squares and quincunx show a conflict between Jupiter and Saturn; the person is very much capable of hard work and good fortune in his/her life, but sometimes is kept back from environmental forces. One can be having a child too early in life ( like 18 or 19 years old ), being born into poverty ( but is a hard worker and craves the finer things in life and prestige ), or having parents who simply tell you you're not good enough. Anyway, if the person can get over his/her insecurities ( Saturn ), then he/she can work hard and keep on trying until they succeed. Harsh aspects are rewarded also but there is more conflict involved. There is often a stop/go attitude and conflict between working and playing.

Religion wise, there can be skepticism about organized religion, Atheism or Agnosticism. Or the native with Jupiter-Saturn is religious and follows the religion of their culture to maintain social conformity. Can be dogmatic about religion.

Jupiter-Uranus aspects: Challenging aspects and soft aspects are generally both decent. Any Jupiter-Uranus aspect is good for higher education and critical thinking. Uranus allows creativity and intellect to flow through the high ideals of Jupiter. This is a creative aspect; stimulates abstract thinking, open mindedness and tolerance. All good qualities indeed.

One's world view is generally more liberally focused or independent.

There is a possibility of Atheism or Agnosticism with this placement. Another way this can manifest is of a believer ( Christianity, Islam or Judaism ) who is open minded about other religions and does not take their Holy Book word to word. Another way this can manifest is someone being a secular humanist or a deist.

Jupiter-Neptune aspects: Jupiter and Neptune are planets associated with religion and spirituality. There is a possibility that people with these aspects are highly religious in organized religion, but are not dogmatic or dominating about their religion. But they could be prone to fantasies and idealism concerning their religion and not truly seeing it for what it is.

These are highly spiritual people. They are highly intuitive.

Besides organized religion, some people with these aspects could be interested in Eastern religions, like Buddhism or Hinduism. Also, they could be Deists or secular humanists. They might not believe in organized religion at all, preferring to be Agnostic theists.

If a native with these aspects are Atheist or Agnostics leaning Atheist, they still have a creative and intuitive bent. Their beliefs on Atheism are based on feeling; there was a strong feeling in their hearts that a god does not exist. ( Logic can have much to do with it; look at other aspects ).

Besides religion, this is a good placement for artsy and creative endeavors. If you like to write fantasy novels or childrens books, this is the aspect for you. Mercury does rule writing, but Jupiter rules publication.

This aspect is also for people who like to help the unfortunate. They do it not because they want to look good, but because they really do enjoy helping humanity.

Jupiter-Pluto aspects: Whether these people have the harsh aspects or harminous ones, there is a degree of POWER and CHARISMA associated with these aspects. Many politicians and world leaders have Jupiter-Pluto aspects. Also, many famous people have Jupiter-Pluto aspects. On the down side, notorious criminals sometimes have these aspects too. It is what it is.

These people know what they want in life and how to get it. If they fail, they try again until they succeed. Some of them are good at manipulating to get where they want to in life; others are born in fortunate and powerful families. They find their goals in life and path in life as very important. Some people with these aspects who want to be celebrities try and try until someone recognizes them, but there's something about them that catches the eye of Hollywood. Perhaps something that other people do not have: charisma and power.

This is generally a good aspect if you're born poor and you want to move up the social ladder in your career. It gives you the drive and ambition to do it.

These people have a strict world view and philosophy that does not change during their lives. They vote the same way and their beliefs are the same way.

Religion wise, this is very much the case. If they're an Atheist, they're an Atheist. They may be outspoken Atheists. If they're a Believer/Theist, they will never change.

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