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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sun aspects

The sun, in astrology, is what most people know. The sun represents the everyday zodiac signs in the paper; it's what everyone knows. The sun! What people do not know about the sun is that it represents one's core personality and ego. Aspects to the sun will modify how someone is truly like their sun sign. Sun squares are likely to indicate issues with self esteem and insecurity.

SUN-MERCURY CONJUNCTION: Most people have this, perhaps the majority. Not everyone has this, but a lot do. Basically, this is not an important aspect and when you want to learn the meaning you see the house/s they are in. This just means that your ego and thinking are aligned. That's all. Again, like I said previously, you see the house/s the planets are in for further explanation.

Sun-Moon aspects: Your ego and emotions go hand in hand. Whether you have a soft aspect or stressful aspect, it is of VITAL importance that you are emotionally stable and secure as well have a good self esteem. If not, you will be insecure and that's not cool. The conjunction is USUALLY, but not always, an indication of someone who has a healthy self esteem. Sextiles and trines are usually the best for Sun-Moon aspects because it is an indication of a strong will, yet not too strong, and emotional resilience. The square is an indication of someone who is either weak emotionally/indecisive/lacks self esteem OR arrogant/insecure. The opposition is someone who has a lot of energy, yet unstable energy. It is an indication of arrogance or someone who is incredibly emotionally unstable at times. The person will need to balance the two together, their emotional nature and their ego. Their ego goes one way and their emotions in the opposite direction. Sun-Moon aspects are good for someone who has a will and will find a way; someone who is emotionally resilient and can get through any emotional situation.

Sun-Venus aspects: People with the conjunction are usually romantic souls, as long as the planets are not in Capricorn or Aquarius ( not to say those signs are not romantic, but they are not in the traditional sense of the word ). This does not make them unrealistic in love; they're just romantic and affectionate. It's easy for them to show affection to ones they love. These people find beauty in assertiveness and confidence. They are confident lovers and want to date confident people. If you lack self esteem, it's a turn off for them. This is both the stressful and soft aspects. The conjunction is obviously the most dynamic of all of them; the opposition will show someone who will need balance. Perhaps they want a confident lover, but are not confident themselves. Trine and sextiles are stable with love; perhaps wanting to start off as friends first and wanting to remain friends/in good relation if they break the love affair off.

Sun-Mars aspects: Women with any Mars-Sun aspect have a "masculine" vibe about them. No, it does not mean they look masculine and fart all the time in public, but they are strong willed and independent. This is either a turn off or a turn on to men, depending on the man. Whether you're a man or a woman with these aspects, you're strong willed, independent, and reliant only on yourself. You're a self starter and it amazes people what you can do on your own. Nothing is out of the way for you; you know who you are, what you want in life, and the drive to get it. The conjunction may be an indication of arrogance, or extreme confidence; someone who likes to be patriarchal and have the last word, even in women. The sextiles and trines are more stable; someone who is assertive but not an asshole. The square is also an asshole aspect, because the person has ego issues and is insecure. Also an indication of bad temper tantrums. The opposition is up, down, and all-around: the person may be motivated one minute and unmotivated the next. Out of control anger might be an issue here; you never know when they will explode. The person with the opposition might be someone who acts arrogant, but really is insecure.

Sun-Jupiter aspects: Ah, what a pleasant person I bet you are! Sun-Jupiter aspects are an indication of good self esteem and in some cases, arrogance or an expanding self esteem. In bad cases, it's an example of self-riotousness. In good cases, this is an indication of someone who is cheerful, confident, fun-loving and generous. The conjunction is an example of someone who is cheerful, confident, fun loving and generous and sometimes to the extreme! But they are not taken advantage of, because they know when to say "no." Some people with the conjunction have good intentions but "forget" they were supposed to do something. Others might have arrogance issues; they're the best and they know it! Trines and sextiles are stable, showing a stable person, who is generally generous and fun to be around. The squares are an indication of a know it all and arrogance. Oppositions show someone who is generous and has their heart in the right place, but may overextend themselves at times. They might say things, but their actions suggest otherwise.

Sun-Saturn aspects: People with these aspects are hardworking and self-disciplined. They are not always the life of the party, but they are a good person to ask for advice or to train you. They are usually not in trouble or out of line and if they ever are, they learn from their mistakes. In negative cases, they might have a lot of self-doubts about themselves, which can be annoying. The conjunction is everything I listed above, but in intensity. The square shows alot of self-doubts, but if the person can gain confidence, they should do fine. The opposition may be similar to the square, but the person will need to balance their ego with their discipline; the person with the opposition might declare they are authority without proper qualifications, or might be overly demanding. Trines and sextiles are usually good; the person is self-disciplined and hardworking, but has the confidence to get things done and keep on going through the game of life.

Sun-Uranus aspects: People with these aspects are individualists, whether they have the soft or the stressful. Indication of highly self-reliant people, who are independent and would rather carve their own way in the world. They like to shock; they do things that make people feel uncomfortable. Stressful aspects are indication that there is a person who does alot of things that make other people feel uncomfortable; they are fiercely independent to the point it creates friction in their lives.

Sun-Neptune aspects: People with these aspects are daydreamers. They are idealists. They are artistic. They are sometimes gullible and indecisive. The conj, square or opposition is someone who daydreams A LOT, but is not always aware of what is going on in the world. This is an indication of someone who is an escapist. Not being able to deal with the real world in a constructive manner is not always healthy; find other outlets if you do not do already. The trines and sextiles are an indication of an idealist but not someone who is out of touch with reality. Surely an interesting person indeed!

Sun-Pluto aspects: These people are charismatic. A lot of politicians have Sun-Pluto aspects. There is something magnetic about these people; they are charming and alluring. They have power, whether it is covert or overt. The square or opp may be someone who is arrogant and/or abuses power; may have control issues. Conjunction can go either way; the person is a healing and transformation agent, or power hungry. The trine and sextile means that the power flows naturally; there is a natural power about them and intensity, but they deal with it constructively. They are charismatic people, but not corrupt.

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